You have just experienced a mid-air collision, a wing is gone and you are spinning towards the ground! You have just seconds to react...what is the first thing you need to do?


If you had to think about your answer, then you can't afford to miss one of the informative and entertaining presentations by Allen Silver, one of the world's recognized experts in getting you out of your aircraft quickly and safely.


I'm Now Back To In Person Presentations. 

Many IAC chapters and other groups may be wondering what to do for a program. Hopefully, I will have the answer.

Call or email for details and to sign up.


Zoom Presentations on hold for the time being

Eventually, I'll be able to offer my power point bailout/survival equipment seminar and/or wingwalking presentations via Zoom. I believe I've worked out the camera/studio set up & the logistices assoiated with a live (almost in person) seminar.


I offer an energetic, interactive seminar on all aspects of a bailout including mental attitude,preflight preparation, how to get out of your aircraft, deploying your parachute, and landing safely back on earth. You'll also learn other steps you can take to increase your chances of surviving a bailout and even how to choose the right parachute for you.


My Bailout Seminar Handout material is not only available by attending one of my, in person, seminars but you can also download a copy. Go to my home page and scroll down until you find "Bailout Handout Material" then download a copy.


"Allen taught me more

about my parachute in 20
minutes than I'd learned in
the preceding 20 years."
- Dale

   "We thoroughly enjoyed
your humorous and
informative presentation (we
rated yours best of all)."
- Stephen & Chrystal


Has your group or organization thought of hosting a parachute safety seminar? Over the years I have given numerous presentations all over the United States, from small flying clubs to large events such as Oshkosh and Sun-N-Fun. I've even been as far away as Australia.


Allen's seminars can be one to three hours long and expand on the topics covered in his articles. The most popular seminar is "Emergency Bailout Procedures and Survival Equipment for Pilots;" however, other topics such as parachute care and survival equipment are available upon request. Seminars are tailored to meet your needs.


My parachute safety seminars are rarely cost prohibitive. All that is required is that all of my travel expenses be covered. There is no charge for the seminar. Often times, different flying groups plan a joint seminar and share the expenses. Please call and book early for the best dates. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


I come fully prepared for a PowerPoint presentation with my own projector (if needed) and laptop. All I need is a screen to show it on, a power source, and an enthusiastic audience wanting to learn how to survive!